

hi, thank you for deciding to check out my site! 

if you're interested in becoming a member but there doesn't seem to be any perks you want, let me know in the comments and i'll maybe add them if a lot of people want them. 

for anyone that is (almost) sure they'd want to become a member, use the code "SP3C1ALB3AN" to get 90% off the first month you're subscribed! 

again, thank you for even considering it! 

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cow :3

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september free codes

new album

been working on an album for a few months now, hopefully will get it finished and uploaded by the end of october. most of the songs are done, just need to be mixed and mastered and boom - good to go! 

two of the songs are uploaded already btw - :3

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cow in honry jail

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cow on mirror :3